In this action movie, based on a Mickey Spillane novel, a globe-trotting adventurer finds himself framed for a $40 million dollar robbery. He is convicted, but manages to escape. He is quickly caught. The authorities give him a choice of options: he can return to the joint, or he can help the CIA free a captive scientist being held hostage on a Caribbean island. He helps the CIA. To get to the dictator-run island, he is forced to marry another CIA agent and impersonate a drug dealer. He must then break into the dictator’s fortress where the political prisoners are held. Meanwhile his "wife" is kidnapped by the old Army buddy that framed him. The hero succeeds at both tasks. He then goes looking for the cash so he can prove his innocence.
Christopher George, Yvonne De Carlo, Yvette Mimieux
1970, colour, 91 minutes