A reformed gangster, accustomed to a life of danger, finds himself dealing with a new and different threat in this adventure thriller. Johnny Allegro (George Raft) is a former mobster who has gone over to the other side and now works for the U.S. Treasury Department as an undercover agent. Allegro is asked to help get the goods on Morgan Vallin (George MacReady), a polished counterfeiter who is involved in a right-wing plot to bring down the American government by flooding the U.S. economy with bogus currency. Allegro makes his way to the island that’s Vallin’s base of operations, with Glenda Chapman (Nina Foch) in tow, and he convinces Vallin that he’s a fugitive from American justice. Vallin takes Allegro and Glenda in, but he soon discovers Johnny’s true identity, and Allegro learns that Vallin has a bizarre hobby — he likes to hunt, but he feels that humans are a more interesting quarry than animals. Vallin gives his guests a head start, then sets out to capture them, hoping to fell Johnny and Glenda with silver-tipped arrows, while the two agents hope that their associate Schultzy (Will Geer) will arrive in time to save them.
1949,B&W, 81 minutes