All thirteen episodes from the fourth series of the gritty, influential British police television drama. Regan (John Thaw) and Carter (Dennis Waterman), elite cops serving on the Met’s Flying Squad, bring a no-holds-barred approach to their police work, taking on underworld villains with violent results. In this series, Regan and Carter suspect corruption when investigating a possible blackmail, and Carter goes undercover, posing as a prisoner in order to gain the trust of a jewel thief. Episodes are: ‘Messenger of the Gods’; ‘Hard Men’; ‘Drag Act’; ‘Trust Red’; ‘Nightmare’; ‘Money, Money, Money’; ‘Bait’; ‘The Bigger They Are’; ‘Feet of Clay’; ‘One of Your Own’; ‘Hearts and Minds’; ‘Latin Lady’; ‘Victims’ and ‘Jack or Knave.’
Weight | 0.77 lbs |
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