This comedy-drama is adapted from a story by Damon Runyon and centers on a mobster with unusually large feet. The trouble begins when the big-footed crook buys a too-tight pair of shoes from a salesman and decides to use the store as a front for an illegal gambling operation. After buying the business, the crook tosses the salesman out. Angered at losing his livelihood, the salesman listens to his girl friend and a good-hearted city editor and begins looking to expose the crook. He succeeds and the crook’s angry bosses then take away his standing. Meanwhile, the salesman suddenly finds himself hailed a hero; his ego begins to swell and trouble ensues until his girl helps him put it all in perspective. He marries her in the end.
John Howard, Binnie Barnes, Broderick Crawford, Anne Gwynne, Leo Carrillo
1941, B&W, 68 minutes